Parenting Skills
I don’t know what is more exhausting about parenting: the getting up early or acting like you know what you’re doing.
~ Jim Gaffigan, actor and comedian
Parenting Is Hard for Everyone
Parenting is a challenge for everyone. It may seem others do it all with ease, but no person is fully prepared to parent perfectly for all stages of their child’s life. The truth is, adults from all walks of life can benefit from acquiring new skills throughout their parental journey. New approaches and new understanding since we were children are frequently discovered and those can provide you with a better set of tools to raise emotionally happy and healthy kids.

You Are Not Alone
Have you ever felt lost or alone as a parent? Even with relatives, friends, books, and the internet, available to advise you, it can still feel like you are the only one facing your most formidable parenting challenges.
But you are not alone. Parents from all backgrounds are facing unprecedented new challenges. Parents and children are being tested by these modern times. You may be trying to identify the best way to limit or manage your child’s use of social media. Maybe your child is having hard time handling the pandemic or other forms of isolation from friendships. There is also a growing incidence of anxiety and depression impacting young people today.
These are truly daunting parental challenges that are unique to our time. Most parents can benefit from learning new parental skills that address these new problems.
Support for All Parents
Licensed family therapist, Dr. Scheckner, can help you navigate the problems of today by offering a defined set of parenting skills that benefit both parent and child. She helps parents identify and engage a set of principles that help parents raise healthier, happier children.
Let Dr. Scheckner arm you with the confidence and parenting skills you need to succeed in the challenging job of raising the next generation.
Parenting Skills and Child Therapy
If you are thinking about sending your child to therapy to address specific behaviors, Dr. Schecker recommends you consider receiving Parental Skills guidance in advance of that decision. Taking this step can help offer families their best long-term outcomes.
Local media frequently seek out Dr. Scheckner as an expert in parental skills counseling. Watch an interview below.
See more videos from Dr. Scheckner on parenting and more here.