Parenting Through Frustration

By: Dr. Stacey Scheckner
Parenting Through Frustration
Teaching Your Children (and Yourself) How to Cope with Frustration
Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Stacey Scheckner provides valuable insights into teaching children—and modeling for them—how to cope with frustration. As parents, we often face daily frustrations, whether from being tired, overwhelmed, or juggling various responsibilities. Recognizing and managing our feelings before interacting with our children is crucial, as our responses directly influence how they handle their frustrations.
Many parents advise their kids to “stop, take a deep breath, and count to 10” when faced with difficulties. However, actions speak louder than words. While we expect our children to manage challenges in games, peer interactions, and changing schedules, we must also consider how we handle adult issues like finances, relationships, and family dynamics in front of them.
Dr. Scheckner often tells children in her practice—and then reinforces with their parents—that frustration is a signal from the brain to stop and take a break. Ignoring this signal and pressing on will only increase frustration, as it hampers our ability to use our intelligence effectively. Feelings and intelligence reside in different parts of the brain—the amygdala and the frontal lobe, respectively. The more frustrated we become, the less we can think clearly and solve problems.
Not everything goes as expected, and it’s up to us to teach our children to go with the flow and turn mishaps into learning experiences. The next time you feel frustrated, remember that you have a choice in how you react: stop, breathe, and take a much-needed break. By doing so, you not only manage your frustration better but also set a positive example for your children.
Insights from Dr. Stacey Scheckner aim to help families develop healthier relationships and coping mechanisms. Consider exploring her full range of services and resources for more advice and support.